Your Answer Was Here Before Your Problem Ever Showed Up

Happy Friday everyone! As we progress further into 2023, we know that we will run into challenges. (Maybe you have run into some already.) Don’t give up on your dreams and let go of your hope because of the challenge you are facing. Choose to focus on the answer instead of the problem. You have a divine purpose and God has a wonderful plan for your life. On Faith in the Morning, I have been sharing from my book, The Librarian. Here’s a portion of the book that I believe will encourage you today:

God has a plan for each and everyone of us. It may sound cliche, just a nice phrase to get a person through a rough patch in their life, but it’s a true statement. God has a plan for everyone and He never plans failures. Men and women fail all the time, but God already had planned their comeback story and their far surpassing victory.


At the end of the parable, The Librarian, the man discovers two precious books. Both books told a version of his life; one book was based on his decisions and his will, while the other book was authored by God Himself. God is omniscient; He knows everything. He planned a great life for you; a life full of victory. This should comfort us because when we run into a situation in our lives, we have no reason to be afraid, stay discouraged, or think about quitting. God in His omniscience and His everlasting compassion for you, laid up every blessing and answer you would ever need in Christ before the foundation of the world. This should inspire you for this one simple fact: your answer was here long before your problem ever showed up. Jesus is the author and finisher of your faith. He did not just author a good story for you, but He is willing help you to the very end. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, and He will be with you every step along the way.

Excerpt FromThe Librarian

Don’t give up. Dream big and follow God’s plan for your life. Your future is brighter than you can imagine. Have a wonderful holiday weekend everyone!

At some point in every person’s life, they wonder, “Why I am here? What is my purpose?” In the Librarian, Kerrick helps the reader answer those important questions. Through this parable and the subsequent chapters, you will be inspired and challenged to discover and live your God-given purpose.