Pop Replacement/ Soda Substitute & Achieving Your Goals

Happy Taco Tuesday! If you’ve been following my blog, you know Taco Tuesday is a big deal in our house. My wife and I are already preparing for the special things we are adding to Taco Tuesday for our daughters on Valentine’s Day. As we go into the second month of 2023, one of your goals may be drinking less pop/soda. If so, I want to share with you a healthier replacement we use in our house when we don’t want to drink pop/soda.

When it comes to achieving your goals, it is important to have a plan. A lot of times our goals are unachieved because we do not have a plan or do not work the plan. This past Sunday at Faith Christian Center, the Faith family and I prayed together over all of our individual goals. I shared with them seven things to help them achieve their goals and I want to share those with you as well:

  1. Keep your goals in front of your eyes

  2. Find pictures that connect with your goals and keep those in front of your eyes

  3. Pray out the plan, develop the plan, and apply the plan to reach those goals

  4. Make monthly assessments to see if you are on the right track to achieve your goals. If you are not, adjust.

  5. Share your goals with an accountability partner or a Faith community leader.

  6. Continually speak what God said about your goals

  7. Guard your thought life against discouragement. You will fulfill God’s plan for your life and you will achieve your goals!

If you want to hear the entirety of Sunday’s message, you can stream it here. I believe this will be an extremely good year for you! Stay focused, achieve your goals, and go further in God’s plan for your life.

Our Soda Substitute/ Pop Replacement

When we want a sweet carbonated drink and do not want to drink pop, we create our own. (We have also found healthy alternatives for sale at certain grocery stores as well. I may share different ones we have found in a future blog.) The recipe is so simple and you can switch it up for your personal taste.

  • First pick a “syrup.” One of the syrups, we use is agave nectar. We also use organic syrups made from cane sugar from our favorite farmer’s market.

  • Second, add sparkling water.

  • Third, stir. Simple right?

  • Bonus: Do you want to switch it up? Add fresh fruit!

When it comes to ratio of syrup to sparkling water, it depends on your preference and how sweet you would like your drink to be. For example, for an 8 oz drink, I would use one tbsp of agave nectar. (This example drink would contain approximately 60 calories and the health benefits and nutrients agave provides.). Enjoy!

On Thursdays and Fridays on Faith in the Morning, I’ve been sharing on how you can discover and live your God-given purpose. I’ve been sharing from my book, The Librarian. In this book is a parable and teaching to help you discover and live your God-given purpose!

At some point in every person’s life, they wonder, “Why I am here? What is my purpose?” In the Librarian, Kerrick helps the reader answer those important questions. Through this parable and the subsequent chapters, you will be inspired and challenged to discover and live your God-given purpose.