National Day Of Prayer

Good Morning Everyone!

In the United States, tomorrow is known as the National Day of Prayer. According to its website, “The National Day of Prayer is an annual observance held on the first Thursday of May, inviting people to pray for the nation. It was created in 1952 by a joint resolution of the United States Congress, and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman.”

Did you know that there have been 151 national calls to prayer, humiliation, fasting and thanksgiving by the President of the United States between 1789 and 2022? Also, there have been 74 Presidential Proclamations for a National Day of Prayer between the years of 1952 and 2022. Gerald R. Ford (1976), George H. Bush (1989 – 91), Barack H. Obama (2012), and Donald J. Trump (2017) are the only U.S. Presidents to sign multiple National Day of Prayer Proclamations in the same year. (NDOP)

Our nation needs prayer. Not “thoughts and prayers” or well-meaning, but not followed through “I’ll be praying for you” promises. If we want to see wonderful things happen in this nation, we must pray. Where should you start your praying? Your leaders. Daily, you should pray for your local, state, and federal leaders. I didn’t say you should pray for them if you like them or if you voted for them. If you are a Christian it is your Scriptural command to pray for them. (1st Timothy 2:1-4). Today, tomorrow, and everyday, pray the following things for them:

  1. That God would grant them wisdom to lead

  2. That they would have a soft heart that yields to the plan of God

  3. That God would continue to send laborers across their path to minister the Word to them in a way they can receive it

  4. That God would protect them (and their families) from all the plots and schemes of the Enemy and wicked individuals

  5. That God would surround them with godly and wise council and would remove from their council those who promote an ungodly agenda

We must not let our political preference get in the way of our prayer life. We must follow the instructions of 1st Timothy 2 and pray for all of those who are in authority and positions of influence. Fervent, focused, effective prayer produces tremendous results. (James 5:16). Effective praying is praying the Word, not our feelings or political platforms. We must adapt the attitude of Samuel (1st Samuel 12:23) and commit ourselves to praying regularly for our leaders and our nation. If you want to learn more about prayer, stream “Prayer Is The Fuel For The Superhuman Life.” If you are looking for prayers to pray for yourself every day, read “Prayers That Will Change Your Life.” No matter the city, state, province, country, or political system, your leaders need you to pray for them. Will you respond to the call of prayer?