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- Leave Bad Advice In 2023
Leave Bad Advice In 2023
Story Time: Years, (decades ago now), someone gave me some really bad advice. Now, I’ve received bad advice over the years, however I recently reflected on this piece of bad advice and I want to share it with you. I was in preparation and training for ministry, and a person shared that I had to be a minister or a writer. They shared I had to pick one.
I’m glad I did not listen to that advice. The person was well meaning and had good intentions, but their advice was bad. Why was their advice bad? Because what they shared did not line up to who God had called me to be. When you receive advice, you must first filter it through God’s Word and then filter it through God’s plan for your life. Their advice was bad because it did not align with my God-given identity.
I’m so glad that others encouraged me to write. My parents, my grandparents, my brothers, my cousins, teachers, and others would encourage me to grow in both writing and ministry. Do you know what I found out? Writing has opened doors for me to minister and ministry has opened doors for me to write. What if I accepted that bad advice? I wouldn’t be able to do what I am doing now.
Are you living and making decisions off of bad advice? It’s time to leave bad advice in 2023 and understand God has a better life for you. Take time to analyze your life and reflect today. This is part of the self-disruption we shared about earlier this year. Are you thinking and living according to God’s Word and His plan for your life? What advice have you been following instead? Leave the past behind, your 2024 is bright.
On Wednesday night, I shared “Twelve Questions You Need To Ask Yourself Before 2023” ends. Listen to this message. I believe it will help you reflect, prepare, and accurately set goals for 2024.
On New Year’s Eve, the Faith family and I will be praying over goals for 2024. We would love for you to join us (in person or online) for our NYE Experiences at 10am or 10pm. We are encouraging all of those who are joining us in person to bring a copy of their goals they can place at the altar. For all of those who are joining us online, you can email us your goals at [email protected] . We will print out your goals and place them at the altar for you.
2024 will present its challenges. However, I know that in 2024 you can overcome those challenges and do great exploits for God. I shared about this crucial truth in our podcast today. Listen to it. I know you will be encouraged. There are amazing things for you to accomplish in 2024. Your life is not over. Your best is yet to come!
Did you know that we have a daily newsletter called Faith in the Morning? Every morning, my wife and I send encouraging emails to help you start your day with faith and encouragement. It’s free. Sign up today and start everyday of 2024 with encouraging emails that will help you experience the wonderful life that God has for you.
Have a wonderful weekend!