Jesus Has Provision For Your Future

So Joshua spared Rahab the prostitute and her relatives who were with her in the house, because she had hidden the spies Joshua sent to Jericho. And she lives among the Israelites to this day (Joshua 6:25 NLT).

Today, I want you share a sneak peak from my new devotional, Jesus Son of Rahab. The purpose of this devotional is to help you see your life in a fresh way and move into the future God has for you. Placing her faith in God completely transformed Rahab’s life and positioned her for a marvelous future.

Rahab and her family settled in the promised land with the rest of the people of Israel. Rahab eventually married a man named Salmon, and they had a son named Boaz. We first read about the son of Rahab in the Book of Ruth. “Now there was a wealthy and influential man in Bethlehem named Boaz, who was a relative of Naomi’s husband, Elimelech” (Ruth 2:1 NLT).

Salmon and Rahab were among the first generation to settle in the promised land; Boaz was part of the second generation. Ruth 2:1 tells us that Boaz was a very wealthy and influential man. In fact, the KJV calls him a “mighty man of wealth.” Many people think their future is limited and, at best, average because of the mistakes of their past. However, God wonderfully provided for Rahab, Salmon, and their son Boaz. He did not hold Rahab’s past against her. In the Book of Ruth, we see that Boaz was a man of character, wealth, influence, and wisdom. His wealth and influence endured and thrived in the face of a famine and Moabite oppression. Rahab’s faith enabled her to have a family that was even able to provide for others in Bethlehem. Her family and her future were not limited. They overflowed with the provision and goodness of God.

The decisions you make to trust God today will set up generational blessings for your children and grandchildren. Leaving your old way of living may seem to put you at a disadvantage and even set you back relationally, financially, career wise, and in other areas. But whatever you give up to follow God, God will replace and give back to you even more. As Abraham realized in Genesis 22, God is Jehovah Jireh. He is the God who sees and provides. As you move into your future, know that you have a benefactor and provider. You have a caretaker, and He will take care of you in grand style.

If God could provide wonderfully for the family of Rahab, He can do the same for you. Faith in God unshackles your future and positions you to experience the best of life. God gave Rahab a family, a future, and a legacy. Imagine what He can do for you! God will provide for you, teach you how to make wise financial decisions, and lead you down the right path in every area of your life.

Today’s Application and Prayer

In a notebook or journal, honestly answer the following questions:

  1. What has been a generational limit on you and your family?

  2. How has this limitation effected your thinking and your expectation for your future?

  3. What generational blessing and legacy do you want to leave for those who come after you?

As you answer these questions, pray this prayer: “Father, thank You for being my provider! Please grant me wisdom and understanding concerning my financial affairs. Help me to think beyond the limitations of my family’s past. Help me to make decisions that not only revolutionize my life, but also help me to set up a legacy of blessing for those who come after me. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Today’s Confession

My God will always provide for me. He is Jehovah Jireh. I cast every care upon Him. He takes care of me in grand style. I will not worry about my financial future. I will make financial decisions by the wisdom of God. God is my Shepherd, so I will not lack. My present and my future are filled with His wisdom and provision. The same God who prospered Boaz is prospering me.

Today’s Scripture Reading

Ruth 1–2

A Christmas Gift That Will Keep on Giving—Liberty!

We live in a world full of people who limit themselves because they erroneously believe their past is more powerful than their future. Are you one of those people? Refuse to be!

In Jesus, Son of Rahab, Pastor Kerrick Butler, weaves powerful lessons into the lineage of Jesus that will liberate you and prove that God can use anyone who will dare to trust Him. With the Christmas season as a backdrop, these 24 moving devotionals will reveal truth in a fresh and dynamic way, empowering you to enter the new year with hope.

In Jesus, Son of Rahab, you will learn how to…

  • See yourself the way God sees you

  • Move past the mistakes of your past

  • Overcome limitations of your background

In Jesus, Son of Rahab, you will be empowered to…

  • Launch out into the amazing future God has for you

  • Dream big dreams that overshadow past nightmares

  • Make your God-inspired dreams your present-day reality

Refuse to believe you’re cancelled or disqualified! Refuse to be robbed of the future because of your upbringing, your circumstances, or your past. From the moment you pick up this book, take your God-given liberty and charge into your destiny!