It’s More Important Than You Know

Story Time: On a Saturday night in 2017, I was walking around the sanctuary praying over the next day’s message. As I was praying, an idea dropped into my heart about a streaming network that would effectively reach this generation. With the idea came different broadcasters who I thought would be perfect for this network and app. I wrote the idea down in my prayer journal and kept praying about the next day’s Experience.

Over the next couple of years, I would revisit the idea and research what I needed to get it started. As I researched, I realized I had everything I needed to get started and launch a streaming network. All it would take was a lot of extra hard work on my part. As the Summer of 2019 progressed, I thought to myself, “I’ll do this some other time. I have enough on my plate as it is.” At that moment, I heard in my heart, “If you don’t do this, there will be blood on your hands.”

Here’s how I replied to His leading, “Eww. Gross. Message received.” I then with great focus began putting everything in place to launch Faith+ on January 1st, 2020. When we launched, I didn’t know we were weeks away from a global pandemic. However, everything we did prepared us to minister effectively without missing a beat.

Today, I look at how Faith+ has grown. We have an app with amazing broadcasters with thousands upon thousands of hours of faith building content. It’s in mobile app stores and available on smart tvs. Faith+ has grown and now also serves as a podcasting platform. It kept growing and now also encourages people through its newsletter. I recently had a brainstorming session with my team as we dived into the analytics of everything we do with Faith+. The impact Faith+ is having is staggering. It led us to rethink, dream even bigger, and work even harder.

What idea from God have you been delaying on pursuing? What idea is He constantly reminding you about? It’s more important than you know. Get started with the idea and dream He has put in your heart. It’s bigger than you. Someone in your future needs you to get started today. Go forward and get started. Our world needs you to bring to fruition the dream God put in your heart.

Have a great week,
