I Can’t Believe I Did That! (& Our Egg Substitute)

Happy Taco Tuesday!

I hope your week is going well! We’re gearing up for another Taco Tuesday in our house tonight. Instead of a Taco Tuesday related recipe today, I’m going to share our egg substitute. Years ago, my wife and I discovered an egg substitute for meals. We used it when we needed to make egg free pancakes and bake egg free desserts. In addition to today’s encouragement, I will also share the health benefits of this substitute.

When you think about your past mistakes, do you ever have moments where you go, “I Can’t Believe I Did That!” I’m not referring to thinking that way immediately after making a mistake. Have months, years, maybe even decades gone by and you look back and make that same exclamation? I want you to think about the last time that happened to you. What thought or memory triggered that exclamation? Did you feel a sense of guilt or condemnation? That thought, feeling, and sense did not come from God. Once you asked God to forgive you, He forgave you. (1 John 1:9). You are not an old sinner saved by grace. That is an oxymoron. You are either an older sinner or you are saved by grace. When you sin, repent. Don’t dwell on the sin in your mind. Don’t dwell on your feeling of guilt. Thinking on your past mistakes and sins is a trap that will keep you from moving into the future God has for you. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:1). Jesus died for your sins and was raised to declare you not guilty. (Romans 4:25) Jesus paid the price for your sins so stop beating yourself up! Move on and live the life God has planned for you. Anytime that thought or feeling comes to your mind, reply with, “Jesus has forgiven me. I’m moving into my future and I am not returning to my past.”

Our Egg Substitute

Our egg substitute is flaxseed meal. When using it as an egg substitute for pancakes, we replace one egg with one tablespoon of flaxseed meal combined with three tablespoons of water. Flaxseed also has a number of nutritional benefits. Flaxseed meal is a good source for fiber and omega 3 fatty acids. Flaxseed meal helps to reduce inflammation and also provides antioxidant protection. If you are looking for an egg substitute for baking, try flaxseed meal and let me know how you enjoy it!

On Thursdays and Fridays on Faith in the Morning, I’ve been sharing on how you can discover and live your God-given purpose. I’ve been sharing from my book, The Librarian. In this book is a parable and teaching to help you discover and live your God-given purpose!

At some point in every person’s life, they wonder, “Why I am here? What is my purpose?” In the Librarian, Kerrick helps the reader answer those important questions. Through this parable and the subsequent chapters, you will be inspired and challenged to discover and live your God-given purpose.

Have a great day everyone!