Hope & Tacos

Happy Taco Tuesday everybody! Before I make tonight’s taco spread, I wanted to blog and share this thought with you. Last year, in the midst of a lot (and I mean a lot) of travel and change, my family and I started our Taco Tuesday tradition. My now seven year old has called it our weekly family holiday. We sit down for a fun dinner, listen to music, and enjoy each other’s company. By Sunday, my kids are already talking about the next Taco Tuesday. It is something they look forward to.

Hope is positive expectation. If you are a person of hope, you are constantly looking forward to something good. In the same way that my kids look forward to Taco Tuesday, you need to constantly look forward to good things in your life. If we focus on all the bad things going on in the world, we will be negative, dismayed, and filled with despair. Hope is far more than positive thinking. As I have been sharing on Faith in the Morning this week, hope is a force.

This force of hope sustained David (Psalm 27:13-14). This force of hope will sustain you and propel you to victory. Every day, wake up with the attitude and affirmation of “something good is going to happen to me today.” Throughout the day, look for the good. Whether it’s something small like finding a parking spot close to the store or finding out what you were planning to buy is on sale, look for something good and acknowledge it as good when it happens. Respond to the goodness you experience with gratitude. A simple, “Thank you for this Father.” is far more wonderful than you realize. At the end of the day, think about the good things you experienced. Write them down and over time reflect on them. As you do this the force of hope will grow in your life and transform your life.

In the midst of all of the daunting challenges and uncertainty throughout the world, I am filled with hope knowing that God’s plan for our lives are good and our best is yet to come. Becoming a person of hope will help you fulfill God’s plan for your life. It’s time to make some tacos. Stay full of hope and have a great week!