Holiday Lights & Green Smoothies

I love the bright lights that are everywhere during this time of year. My personal favorite lights are the multi-colored lights that shine a beautiful spectrum of color into the darkness of night. Right before Jesus went to Jerusalem to celebrate Hanukkah (The Feast of Dedication/ The Festival of Lights), Jesus referred to Himself as the Light of the World. (John chapters 9 & 10) In Matthew 5, Jesus also told His followers that they are the light of the world. We are living in dark times, but they become brighter as we shine the light Jesus has placed in us. As we follow Him, listen to Him, and let Him work through us, we will shine more and more into darkness and make a greater impact. It’s been on my heart so strong that we need to rise in influence so that we can shine brighter. A number of podcasts and blogs in 2023 will be dedicated to help you rise in influence in your life. For now, know that you are called to be light and are already enabled to shine even more brightly than your favorite Christmas lights.

During the Holidays, we tend to treat ourselves to a lot of desserts and sweets. Amazing food is everywhere. However, we still need to make sure we still get the nutrients we need. I actually dislike most cooked vegetables. I usually eat salads or drink smoothies to get the vegetables I need. Today, I’m going to share with you one of my go-to-smoothies when I know I just need to consume some vegetables.

1 Banana (I use a banana to help take some of the vegetable taste away.)

2 Cups of Spinach (Frozen or Fresh)

1 Cup of Greek Yogurt (It’s a good source of protein and a good booster for gut health.)

2 tablespoons of honey (I prefer to use local honey because of the additional immunitive properties it provides.)

1 Cup of Milk (It’s a source of protein, plus it adds to the creaminess of smoothie. Feel free to substitute for your favorite type of milk, soy milk, almond milk, etc.)

This smoothie is approximately 300 to 500 calories. The amount of calories will depend on the type of yogurt and milk you choose to use. Enjoy!

A Christmas Gift That Will Keep on Giving—Liberty!

We live in a world full of people who limit themselves because they erroneously believe their past is more powerful than their future. Are you one of those people? Refuse to be!

In Jesus, Son of Rahab, Pastor Kerrick Butler, weaves powerful lessons into the lineage of Jesus that will liberate you and prove that God can use anyone who will dare to trust Him. With the Christmas season as a backdrop, these 24 moving devotionals will reveal truth in a fresh and dynamic way, empowering you to enter the new year with hope.

In Jesus, Son of Rahab, you will learn how to…

  • See yourself the way God sees you

  • Move past the mistakes of your past

  • Overcome limitations of your background

In Jesus, Son of Rahab, you will be empowered to…

  • Launch out into the amazing future God has for you

  • Dream big dreams that overshadow past nightmares

  • Make your God-inspired dreams your present-day reality

Refuse to believe you’re cancelled or disqualified! Refuse to be robbed of the future because of your upbringing, your circumstances, or your past. From the moment you pick up this book, take your God-given liberty and charge into your destiny!