Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and are having a great start to 2024. As we get started with 2024, let’s make sure we don’t allow our goals to become unfulfilled resolutions. This year, let’s commit to be focused, disciplined, and full of hope.

As we go into the first weekend of the year, I have three questions to help you get the year started and have a year where you fulfill your goals:

1. What are you reading to increase your skill and understanding in the area of your goals?

2. How are you keeping your goals in front of your eyes so that you stay motivated?

3. Who are you helping so that they can fulfill their goals?

Answer these questions and take some time this weekend to bring your goals closer to fruition. Have a great weekend everyone!

South Cobb Business Association

In 2024, I have the honor and privilege of serving as the President of the South Cobb Business Association. This past Wednesday, we had our first SCBA luncheon of the year. The turnout was phenomenal and the panelists provided an economic outlook for our area and what the cities are doing to encourage economic development.

If you are a business leader or owner in South Cobb, I want to encourage you to get involved. South Cobb is open for business. Let’s prosper together. For more information about SCBA, click here.

Daily Encouragement

This past Fall, my wife and I started a daily newsletter to help you start your day with faith and encouragement. If you haven’t subscribed yet, you can do so by clicking here. We would love for you to add Faith in the Morning to your morning routine.

Victory Is Yours

In life, you will face a series of battles, however God’s plan is for you to experience victory every single time. In Victory: A 10-Day Devotional, I endeavor to help you develop the lifestyle and mentality needed to fight the good fight of faith and win every time. Read this devotional while watching the corresponding video components on the Faith+ app.