Custom Designed For This Time

In my last blog, I shared that a modern tragedy is being born an original and dying a copy. As I approach my personal milestone of almost 20 years of ministry, I’ve spent more and more time reflecting on my journey to this point. In my earliest days, I was often the youngest in the room and differently gifted and educated than the others who were being trained alongside of me. My differences weren’t always celebrated and there were times I wondered why I was there. I wasn’t like everyone else. I was different. Over the years, in conversations with my wife and also with a few of my cousins, I realized my differences were the exact reason why I was where I was. I was custom-designed for this time and so are you.

Due to the pressures of life and influences around us, we can often imitate what we see. That’s okay if that’s what you are supposed to do. There are times in development where copying and imitating is good as you learn, grow, and develop. However, there comes a time when you need practice self-disruption by asking yourself a hard question, “Am I being who God created me to be or am I copying someone else?”

Last year, I was attending a wonderful conference. As I was sitting in the auditorium, I felt the Spirit of God say to my heart, “Be who I created you to be.” Up to that point, I thought I was doing a pretty good job in that area. His simple statement to my heart has led me on a journey over the last year and has prepared me for what’s ahead of me. 

I want to remind you of what I shared in the last blog so that you can embrace your God-given identity and live out the divine design for your life: take what you know about who God has created you to be and what He has called you to do, and write it down. Then, identify with it. Look in the mirror and say, “I am who God says I am. I can do what He says I can do.” Pray the Ephesians 1 prayer daily and daily read God’s Word. You’re growing into who you are called to be. Don’t stop now. Keep growing. You were custom-designed for this time.

I’m looking forward to sharing my message with fellow Christian media professionals at NRB 2024. Join me and thousands of other Christian communicators from February 20-23 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center. In my workshop, I will be sharing about the power of an engaged online community. To lead up to my workshop, I’m sharing keys about building an engaged online community on my LinkedIn page. If you’re attending this great convention, I would love to see you there. For more information about my workshop, click here. 

I have the great honor of being one of the guest speakers for The One Men’s Conference in Newport, Wales. For more information about this conference, click here. 

South Cobb Business Association

In 2024, I have the honor and privilege of serving as the President of the South Cobb Business Association. If you are a business leader or owner in South Cobb, I want to encourage you to get involved. South Cobb is open for business. Let’s prosper together. For more information about SCBA, click here.

Daily Encouragement

This past Fall, my wife and I started a daily newsletter to help you start your day with faith and encouragement. If you haven’t subscribed yet, you can do so by clicking here. We would love for you to add Faith in the Morning to your morning routine.

Victory Is Yours

In life, you will face a series of battles, however God’s plan is for you to experience victory every single time. In Victory: A 10-Day Devotional, I endeavor to help you develop the lifestyle and mentality needed to fight the good fight of faith and win every time. Read this devotional while watching the corresponding video components on the Faith+ app.