Can Your Dream Take A Delay? ( & Protein Smoothie Recipe That Boosts Gut Health)

 Hey everyone!

Can your dream take a delay? I’m not writing about a weird dream you had at night; I’m referring to the dream you have deep in your heart.  The dream that’s connected to your call and life’s purpose.  The dream for your family, for your business, for your community.  Can that dream take a delay?  

Your dream has to be able to handle a delay. So many times when people face a delay, they give up on their dreams.  They quit.  However, sometimes we are delayed in fulfilling our God-given dream and we need to know how to not be discouraged due to a delay.  Do you remember when Joshua and Caleb were delayed from going into the Promise Land due to the disobedience and unbelief of their generation? They did everything right, yet they were delayed.  When they finally entered the Promise Land decades later, Caleb told Joshua that he felt as strong as he did forty years earlier. He testified of how God preserved him, his life, his energy, and his strength. If God can get Joshua and Caleb into the Promise Land, I know God can get you to the place where your God-given dream comes to pass. Your job is to stay encouraged, stay in faith, and to keep moving forward. You can do this! You are not on your own! The God of Glory is with you preserving you just like he did Joshua & Caleb.

Bone Broth Protein Smoothie

At the beginning of the pandemic, someone shared with us the importance of gut health in dealing with viruses and other illness.  We began adding to our family’s regular diet different foods that support gut health.  Two of the things we use the most of are Greek yogurt and bone broth.  In our health journey, my wife discovered bone broth protein for me to use in my smoothies.  (If you didn’t know, I enjoy smoothies so much that I make them on an almost daily basis.). Here’s my issue with bone broth protein: it has a strong “unique” taste.  In my trial and error phase, I discovered how to balance the taste of bone broth protein with other ingredients.  Always remember, before you drastically change your diet, make sure you consult your doctor or medical practitioner.

My Recipe

1 Scoop of Bone Broth Protein

1 Cup of Milk (Can be switched to almond milk or other milks.)

1 Cup of Greek Non Fat Yogurt

1 tbsp of Honey

Dash of cinnamon

1 Banana

1 Graham Cracker

Dash of instant coffee (This can be removed if you are not a coffee person. I may be slight coffee enthusiast. )

This is about 275-350 calories.  I’ve used this a workout recovery smoothie and as a meal replacement smoothie.  If you need this smoothie to be sweeter, double the honey.  I prefer to use local honey as it helps build immunity to allergens in the air.

A Christmas Gift That Will Keep on Giving—Liberty!

We live in a world full of people who limit themselves because they erroneously believe their past is more powerful than their future. Are you one of those people? Refuse to be!

In Jesus, Son of Rahab, Pastor Kerrick Butler, weaves powerful lessons into the lineage of Jesus that will liberate you and prove that God can use anyone who will dare to trust Him. With the Christmas season as a backdrop, these 24 moving devotionals will reveal truth in a fresh and dynamic way, empowering you to enter the new year with hope.

In Jesus, Son of Rahab, you will learn how to…

  • See yourself the way God sees you

  • Move past the mistakes of your past

  • Overcome limitations of your background

In Jesus, Son of Rahab, you will be empowered to…

  • Launch out into the amazing future God has for you

  • Dream big dreams that overshadow past nightmares

  • Make your God-inspired dreams your present-day reality

Refuse to believe you’re cancelled or disqualified! Refuse to be robbed of the future because of your upbringing, your circumstances, or your past. From the moment you pick up this book, take your God-given liberty and charge into your destiny!

Order Your Copy Today!

Have an amazing day everyone!
